
How to Grow Okra

Gurney's® Gumbo Hybrid OkraOkra is one of the most popular of all seed grown vegetables. This warm weather veggie packs plenty of nutrients has a rich flavor and is fairly easy to grow. Here are a few tips on growing okra from seed.

A sunlit spot with organically rich soil offers ideal conditions for growing okra plants. You can plant okra seeds directly in the garden 8-10 days from the first frost-free date for your region. Rid the planting site of weeds and debris and dig the soil to a depth of 6-8 inches. Incorporate good quantities of organic compost and firm up the topsoil.

Use a garden hose to create rows in the soil, at least 3 feet apart. Plant okra seeds in the rows, allowing a gap of 4-6 inches between them. Cover the seeds with a 1-inch layer of soil and water the soil. Okra seeds can take 1-3 weeks to germinate. Once the seedlings are 3-4 inches tall, thin them out, leaving only the healthiest of the lot in the ground.

Okra plants don’t require much maintenance. Established plants need little irrigation but should be watered every 7-10 days during long, dry periods. Mulching okra plants is an effective way of conserving moisture and keeping a check on weed growth. A 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch is enough to keep the soil moist and weed-free.

Most varieties of okra start yielding within 2 months of planting. Once okra pods attain a length of 3-4 inches, you can start harvesting. Use a clean, sharp knife to harvest okra pods. Also, make sure not to delay harvesting for the pods tend to grow woody and lose flavor if left on the plant for too long.