Growing Spinach From Seed

Spring Has Arrived – How to Get Your Garden Growing

Time to dust off the wheelbarrow and get the mower started – it’s officially spring again! But with a new season filled with such promise – and so much to do in the garden – where in the world do you start?

Can’t Wait For Strawberries!

Can’t Wait For Strawberries!

If you’re like me, you can’t wait to harvest your strawberries. I believe no garden is complete without a crop of them. The strawberry is one of the best all-around fruits you can grow. What I like best about strawberries is they are the first bloomers of the spring. Can you imagine a better looking, more versatile fruit popping up first in your garden?

Hardening Off Seed-Grown Plants in the Spring

Hardening Off Seed-Grown Plants in the Spring

You’ve your seeds sprout, grow true leaves and get taller. In your controlled environment, your seedlings have enjoyed a relatively stress-free life, protected from the heat, cold, wind and rain. Without elemental exposure, your little seedlings lack the hardiness to be successfully transplanted; but you can change all that by starting the hardening-off process on your own.

Eat Your Greens: Early Spring Veggies

Eat Your Greens: Early Spring Veggies

You likely heard it from your mother when you were a child: “Eat your greens! They’re good for you!” At the time, you probably tried to hide your greens under the mashed potatoes or scrape them off the plate and onto the floor in hopes the dog would eat them. But if only we listened to our parents!

Honeycrisp Apple Trees

Honeycrisp Apple Trees

Close your eyes; try to imagine a crispy crunch that fills your mouth with the distinct sweetness of the absolute juiciest fruit- that’s what it’s like biting into a Honeycrisp Apple. The delicious flavor of this hybrid variety is a cross between Honeygold and Macoun apples. Honeycrisp apples are a blushing red color; they are firm and round in shape, and an all-time favorite for eating it fresh, in salads or in cooking recipes.