There is one thing you must know about cauliflower before we go any further: cauliflower is temperamental. It only does well in consistently cool weather, is fussy about soil, and needs a near constant supply of water and nutrients. But we never back away from a challenge- so if you love the sweet taste of cauliflower (I love mine sliced thin and roasted in the oven), let’s equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to successfully grow cauliflower.
Cauliflower needs at least 6 hours of full sun per day, if not more.
Cauliflower prefers nitrogen and potassium rich, well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter to help retain moisture. The pH must be between 6.5 and 6.8 to prevent clubroot disease.
Apply Gurney’s Vegetable Food before planting, and again after the plants develop new leaves, and again before heads form.
Plant fall crops about 6 to 8 weeks before the first fall frost, but be ready to shade your cauliflower plants if they need to be protected from any surprise heat waves.
Cauliflower should be planted about 18 inches to ensure plenty of room to grow.
To avoid stress, plants need even moisture. A layer of organic mulch will keep soil cool and moist and prevent weeds from sprouting.
A Little Help
Cauliflower is supposed to naturally self-blanch, where the leaves naturally curl over the head and shade it, ensuring it will be white and tender at harvest. Keep an eye on your heads and provide a little assistance if needed by pulling leaves up over the head and fastening them with a clothespin.
Interested in growing your own cauliflower? Try Gurney’s Snow Crown Hybrid Cauliflower or for something completely different, Veronica Hybrid Cauliflower. Any tips for us on cauliflower success? Let us know in the comments.