Health Benefits of Onions

Health Benefits of Onions

In addition to a wide variety of flavors and culinary uses, onions offer tons of various health-related benefits. The type of onion doesn’t matter, as they’re all very similar in composition. Here’s a quick rundown of the many health benefits the onion offers.

A Healthy, Great-Tasting, Native Berry!

A Healthy, Great-Tasting, Native Berry!

Sure, they’ve been around for a long time, technically making them “elders,” but I’ve gotta say the elderberry bush is one of the more exciting, younger looking specimens out there.

Starting Seeds: Homegrown Value

Seed Starting Tips from the experts at Gurney’s

I love starting seeds. It’s a lot cheaper than buying transplants, and there’s nothing better to us gardeners than watching something grow from a tiny speck into a full mature plant. I’ve always considered it the “second” or intermediate stage of gardening. If you’re a new gardener, chances are, you’re starting with plants and flower bulbs, because they’re so simple.

Starting Seeds Outdoors – Direct Sowing

Starting Seeds Outdoors – Direct Sowing

Some varieties of vegetable and flower seeds can be started outdoors. Preparation is an important factor in successful outdoor seed starting. The seed starting site should be in a suitable condition; the soil should be free of weeds, large stones and debris and be broken down as finely as possible to a fine tilth. This can be achieved by forking over the top few inches of soil, then raking it to as crumbly a texture as possible.

Grow Up! – The Vertical Vegetable Gard

The Minimalist Garden: Vegetable Seeds

Fresh veggies have lots of advantages. You know where they came from, you know what was put on them, and you will never get anything fresher. Ideally, you’ll want to start them from seed, so that you can be in complete control of your garden edibles. That’s why we’re focusing on vegetable seeds!